- Photo cropper app update#
- Photo cropper app registration#
- Photo cropper app code#
now displays a message to add croppable scales.If plone.namedfile is used it needs to be at least version 2.0.1 Check for plone.namedfile not Dexterity.
Photo cropper app update#
Add coveralls, code-analysis and update travis configuration.Cleanup/refactor javascript code, don’t define global variables.Pep8, Flake8, pep3101, sort imports, remove grouped imports, … Cleanup code, align to all coding conventions for Plone.This brings us autologin support for faster robot tests. Use instead of writing all keywords from.
Photo cropper app code#
Major cleanup and split up code and interfaces into Dexterity and Archtypes.Īlso renamed/ moved Interfaces to be used as markers! Attention, in customĬode minor changes are needed in order to point to the correct interfaces.Īlso removed some superfluos/unused interface= passes to methods of. added dexterity behavior for image cropping. fixed some glitches in JCrop init process. Added subscriber to recreate all scales on copied objects. Photo cropper app registration#
Fix: Removed registration of Traverse for dexterity types since itsīase class does not support dexterity either. better initial selection for cropping, also mark scales in left columnĬropped/ uncropped and show uncropped in its default appereance. fixed jcrop image to not scale wrong (!). This also enables support for richtext editors such as TinyMCE to insert cropped scales into a textfield. This way you can access them as you’re used to. The image stored for this scale gets replaced with the cropped and scaled version. The aspect ratio for the cropping area in the editor is automatically set to the image scale selected by the user. The editor view hav a tabbed navigation on the top and two columns: There is also a Dexterity behavior called Enable Image Cropping which can be applied on custom content types containing at least one image. Products.ATContentTypes (Plone 4.x) implements it on``ATImage`` and ATNewsItem. The interfaces are implemented by default for Dexterity based (Plone 5 or Plone 4.x as addon) Image. There are specific markers for Archetypes and Dexterity based types: For users who want a simple tool to perform a simple editing function, Photo Crop Editor fits the bill nicely.There is a view available for every content type implementing IImageCroppingMarker via an object action. It has no frills or extras, so if you're looking for all the bells and whistles that other image-editing tools offer, this isn't the program for you. Photo Crop Editor is an incredibly simple way to perform the act of cropping out a picture and dropping it into another. From here users can take this image and let it stand alone or select a new background for it. After selecting a photo, users can roughly outline the item they want removed from the picture, and a dotted line instantly appears around the selection.
Most inexperienced photo croppers will want to use the Quick Crop option. Below this are smaller icons dedicated to rotating the picture and zooming. Users are given opportunities to select a photo, quick crop, manually crop, select a background, save, and print. At the top is a surprisingly short list of commands. The generous screen is dominated by the open space for your photos. This is about as simple as a program can be when dealing with photo editing. While there are more expensive programs that let you do more with your digital images, Photo Crop Editor lowers the cost and focuses exclusively on cropping.